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  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

The last thing a driver wants to see coming through the windshield is another vehicle. Head-on collisions are one of the most deadly and destructive types of motor vehicle accidents. Although head-on crashes are not that common, they often result in serious injuries or death when they do occur.

Details Of A Recent Head-On Crash

Recently near Knoxville, two people lost their lives in a tragic head-on collision. The accident happened during the morning hours along Interstate 40 at the Midway Road exit. Reports said the driver of an eastbound pickup truck drove through the median of the roadway and into westbound traffic. According to reports from the Knoxville Police Department, the pickup truck collided head-on with a westbound SUV

Reportedly, the pickup truck also collided with a semi-truck. Reports said the driver of the pickup truck suffered serious injuries and was taken to a local medical center. Tragically, authorities said the driver and passenger in the SUV were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.

Help Available For Victims, Families

It only takes a split second for a serious or fatal motor vehicle accident to happen. When a negligent driver causes a serious or fatal accident, victims — including the surviving families of deceased victims — have the right to speak with an experienced attorney about seeking legal recourse. In Tennessee. A successfully presented claim could result in much-needed financial relief to help victims and/or immediate family members deal with the financial losses typically associated with such a traumatic crash.

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