Call For A Free Assessment Of Your Needs (629) 287-0044
  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Expecting a new baby should be a time of celebration and excitement for the entire family. The birth of a child is usually a time of joy, but these feelings of excitement can change due to physical injuries suffered by the mother or baby during the delivery. Birth injuries are often preventable and are the result of a lack of quality care from the doctors or nurses.

When there are problems with the delivery, or there are certain signs that could indicate the mother or the baby are in distress, a Tennessee doctor should act. He or she could initiate various interventions that could reduce the risk of the delivery and protect the health of mother and baby. In many cases, this means ordering a cesarean delivery. This is often a less harmful way to deliver the baby faster, and it can be a necessary step in emergency situations.

The Need For A C-Section Delivery

A c-section delivery is a major surgery, and it poses certain risks. That is why one should carefully weigh the potential need for this intervention against the risk of failing to take this step. While doctors schedule some c-sections for medical reasons, there are times when a doctor needs to make this decision in the moment. The following are common situations that could arise during delivery that could lead to the need for a c-section delivery:

  • The fetal monitor reveals that the baby is in distress.
  • There is a possibility of birth defects that could make a safe delivery difficult.
  • The mother has had a c-section delivery in the past.
  • The baby is in an abnormal position.
  • The mother has a chronic health condition or has been in labor too long.
  • There are issues with the placenta.
  • The mother is delivering multiple babies.
  • The mother’s pelvis is too small to deliver the baby.

The doctor has the responsibility of making decisions that will be in the best interests of the mother and the baby. He or she must consider the risks of c-section delivery, weighing it against the need for a faster and easier delivery. If you or your baby suffered injuries as the result of the negligent care of a doctor during delivery, you could be a victim of medical malpractice. You may have grounds to pursue compensation through a civil claim.

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Of Your Needs (629) 287-0044

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