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  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

It can be a challenge to care for an elderly loved one in a nursing home. You want to ensure they receive the best care possible, including proper nutrition. Malnutrition in nursing homes is a serious concern that can have catastrophic effects on your elderly loved one. Recognizing malnutrition signs early can help protect your loved one’s health and well-being. The Effects Of Malnutrition On The Elderly Malnutrition can have far-reaching consequences for your elderly loved one’s health. Consider the following symptoms: Unexplained weight loss Muscle weakness Fatigue and lethargy Slow wound healing Decline of cognitive abilities Increased susceptibility to infections These symptoms can significantly impact your loved one’s quality of life and overall health. If you notice any of these signs, taking action promptly is crucial. How You Can Stand Against Neglect You play a vital…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Falls are a common concern for elderly individuals, and even more so for those residing in nursing homes. While age and frailty can contribute to falls, they aren’t always inevitable. In some cases, frequent falls might indicate neglect in nursing homes. Why Falling Is A Significant Concern Falls are a leading cause of injury and death among seniors. More than one out of four Americans 65 and older fall each year. Because of weaker bones and reduced mobility, falls can result in hip fractures, head injuries and other serious complications. These can significantly impact a resident’s quality of life and independence. Falls And Potential Neglect While some falls may be unavoidable, certain factors under the nursing home’s control can contribute to falls and might suggest neglect: Understaffing: If there aren’t enough staff members to properly assist residents…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Older adults residing in nursing homes and other assisted living facilities are vulnerable to physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Sometimes, these cases may even go undetected or disregarded after being discovered. If you have a loved one living in these institutions, you can help mitigate this issue by looking for signs of a possible problem. This way, you can report suspicious situations immediately and remove your elderly parents or grandparents from a harmful environment. Signs Of Elder Abuse In Nursing Homes Obvious symptoms of physical abuse are bruises or welts on the victim’s skin. You should also look for injuries like bone fractures, wounds and sprains. Broken eyeglasses or other personal items are also indicators of physical assault. Check your loved one’s arms and legs for signs of being restrained or subjected to painful punishment.…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

When it comes time to put a loved one in a Tennessee nursing home, families often feel conflicted. Realizing that someone close to you can’t care for themselves at home any longer comes with many emotions. Plus, older adults often resist being moved to an unfamiliar place, even if it is in their best interests. Fortunately, there are many wonderful facilities with staff that provide the best care. Some facilities, however, fail to do so, and it’s beneficial if you’re aware of the signs of an abusive nursing home so you can act for your loved one if needed. Poor Resident Health Due to the nature of nursing homes, there will be residents with serious health issues. But when it comes to communicable diseases, widespread infection in the facility can be a red flag. It could be…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Helping an aging or ailing parent transition to life in an Arizona assisted living facility can be an emotionally turbulent time for an adult son or daughter. You’re faced with the realization that the person who nurtured and cared for you as you were growing up is no longer able to care for himself or herself. If you notice signs of nursing home negligence on your loved one, such as bed sores, it’s even more upsetting. The medical term for bed sores is decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers. Avoiding such injuries should always be a top priority for care providers, especially for patients who are immobile, meaning they cannot move around on their own without assistance. If you notice bed sores on your loved one, it merits further investigation. Bed Sores Are A Red Flag…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

As loved ones grow older, they may begin to lose some of their independence. Thankfully, there are many great long-term care facilities and nursing homes in Tennessee that provide living arrangements and assistance for those who are no longer able to live by themselves. The overwhelming majority of these nursing homes take exceptional care of their residents. However, any type of negligent care or abuse from staff members can result in permanent injuries or the death of residents. Nursing Home Staff Accused Of Negligence Recently, a nursing home with a history of negligence was investigated after claims that its neglect left a female resident in a vegetative state. According to reports, the woman complained about a severe headache, but the charge nurse on duty told an aide that the woman had already been given pain medication.…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Caregivers in Tennessee nursing homes often encounter situations where a patient is in need of medical care. Care providers are trained to recognize signs of patient distress and are responsible for making sure that a patient receives the care and treatment needed to help resolve any issues that arise. Failure to help a patient in need to obtain care and treatment is a form of nursing home negligence. A 34-year-old staff member from a Tennessee nursing facility was recently arrested and is currently residing in county jail. He is facing criminal charges, including abuse and neglect of an elderly adult. Sadly, this is not an isolated type of incident, which is why families of nursing home patients should always be on the lookout for concerning issues, such as noticeable signs of injury in a loved…Read More

  • By: Law Offices of Daniel L. Clayton

Finding a suitable care facility for your aging family member is difficult. You may be juggling a nursing home that can provide the right type of care in a specific location that also fits within a particular budget. When you trust the nursing home staff to care for your loved one, you know there is a potential risk. However, you hope that this facility will care for your family member with the respect they deserve. Abuse can often be difficult to spot when you visit your loved one. Here are some of the signs of nursing home abuse. Unusual Disposition Many discussions about nursing home abuse focus on physical abuse or neglect. While these are important to watch for, the most common type of abuse of older people in community settings, like nursing homes, is…Read More

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