There is no such thing as a routine surgery. A successful surgical procedure is a meticulous step-by-step process. Those in Tennessee who undergo surgery place their lives in the hands of physicians, nurses and other medical professionals. However, if any of these providers were to make a mistake or miss a step in the surgical process, the patient could suffer serious or fatal injuries. Even if the surgery seems minor, it requires full focus and attention from all providers involved in the process.
Recently, a medical malpractice claim was filed by a man in another state after surgeons allegedly removed the wrong organ. According to the lawsuit, the man was diagnosed with appendicitis and required surgery for the removal of his appendix. During the procedure, according to the claim, the surgeons were unable to find the man’s appendix and ended up removing a part of his bowel.
Allegedly, the man developed an infection caused by a hole or leakage or in the bowel or a burst appendix, which was apparently caused by the damage to his bowel. The lawsuit claimed that, two days later, a CT scan showed that the man’s appendix had not been removed during his initial surgery. The plaintiff claimed that he had to have four additional surgeries, spent weeks in the hospital and lost around 40 pounds due to the alleged negligence.
When a doctor or medical provider makes a mistake during surgery, no matter how minor, the patient can suffer devastating consequences. Those in Tennessee who have suffered injuries or loss as the result of medical malpractice have options available to help them during this difficult time. By speaking with an experienced attorney and filing a claim, victims and families could obtain rightful monetary damages and, in some cases, a sense of justice.
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